Once upon a.time, there was a robber RATNAKARA, who would loot people crossing the forest. After looting them, he would kill them. One day NARADA MUNI was attacked by this Robber, who asked the him why he is piling up his sins, through these heinous acts, and asked him to leave robbery.
RATNAKARA replied mockingly, who would feed his parents, wife and children, if he stops robbing people. Narada replied, you have accumulated enough Sins to rot in hell for infinite years. As you have done all these sins, only for the well being of your family, go home and ask your family, if they will share the consequences of these sins you committed for them.
RATNAKARA tied NARADA to a tree, and went home, and asked his parents if they would share the consequences of his Sins, as he committed them only to give them a good life. His parents said, we have given birth to you, taken care of you, and made you eligible to make money. The path you have chosen is none of our business. And to take care of us is your duty. We will not share any consequences of your sins.
He then went to his wife, and asked the same question. His wife rudely replied that he should be ashamed to even ask this. To give her a good life is his duty, as he married her with a promise of giving her a good life. How he does that and the consequences of that is only his. This broke RATNAKARA'S heart, and when he received the same answer from his children too, he was overcome by grief.
He ran to the forest, untied NARADA, and broke into uncontrollable sobs, saying that all the affections, bondings, and relationships are just superficial, and he regrets every action he did in his life. He fell to the feet of NARADA, to show him a way, to repent his sins. The fire of his realisation was so true and strong, that NARADA gave him the pious RAMA MANTRA to chant.
Though RATNAKARA'S realisation was profound, the magnitude of his Sins was as such, he couldn't even pronounce RAMA . NARADA said, chant MARA fastly, so that the continuation will eventually become RAMA. RATNAKARA did so, and soon he was so engrossed in the chanting, that he even forgot about food. He remained still in meditation, and soon ants built a nest around him( Valmika) He soon attained enlightenment, and because of chanting RAMA NAMA, and his penance, not only did his Sins perish, he became a saint, eligible to write SHREEMAD RAMAYANA.